Ingrown hairs can be a persistent and painful irritation for many people. They occur when the hair grows back into the skin, causing inflammation and discomfort. But there's a solution that may surprise you: laser hair removal.


Ingrown hairs, medically known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae, are common where the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. This can lead to inflammation, redness, and sometimes infection. While they can occur anywhere on the body, the face, legs, and bikini area are the most susceptible.

Several factors contribute to the development of ingrown hairs. These include ineffective hair removal methods, naturally curly or coarse hair, blocked hair follicles, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and medications.


Laser hair removal can be a game-changer for those suffering from ingrown hairs. This method targets the hair follicles with a concentrated beam of light, destroying the hair at its root. This reduces hair growth and minimises the chance of hairs growing back into the skin.

Unlike other hair removal methods like shaving or waxing, which can often exacerbate the problem, laser hair removal reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs. It's a long-term solution that can relieve those who regularly suffer from this itchy annoyance.


Switching to laser hair removal can significantly reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of ingrown hairs. It's a safe and effective method when performed by a trained professional. If you're tired of dealing with the pain and discomfort of ingrown hairs, laser hair removal could be the answer you've been looking for. We use the fantastic Splendor X by Lumenis for our hair removal treatments.

Side effect alert: If you suffer from ingrown hairs and use laser hair removal to help, you may experience smooth hair free skin afterwards. This is an expected side effect of treating ingrown hairs.

If you want to learn more about how laser hair removal can help with ingrown hairs, or if you'd like to book a consultation, please fill out our contact form. We are always happy to give you the best advice .


Laser hair removal is a popular and effective method for long-term hair reduction. It works by targeting the melanin pigment in the hair follicles with a concentrated beam of light, which converts to heat when absorbed. This heat then damages the hair follicle, inhibiting future hair growth.


At Aesthetica Medical, we believe in providing personalised care. During your consultation, we will discuss your skin concerns and goals, and together, we will determine the most effective treatment for you. We do not promote one treatment over another; instead, we focus on what will work best for your unique skin needs.

We are committed to helping you achieve your skin goals and look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.

Causes of Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs, medically termed Pseudofolliculitis barbae, arise when hairs curl back or grow sideways into the skin. This condition is particularly common in areas subjected to shaving, such as the face, legs, and bikini area. The primary causes include ineffective hair removal techniques, naturally curly or coarse hair, clogged hair follicles, hormonal fluctuations, certain medical conditions, and specific medications. These factors can lead to the hair failing to break through the skin surface, resulting in inflammation, redness, and sometimes infection.

What Are the Signs of an Infected Ingrown Hair?

An infected ingrown hair presents with noticeable redness, swelling, pain, and pus-filled blisters. You may also feel itchiness. The area may feel warm to the touch, indicating an infection that could require medical attention. It's prudent to monitor for increased tenderness or spreading redness, as these may signify a worsening infection.

What Should I Do If I Have Ingrown Hair Right Now?

If you're currently dealing with ingrown hair, the first step is to stop any hair removal in the affected area to prevent further irritation. Wash and exfoliate the area to help the hair return to the surface. Applying warm compresses can soften the skin and reduce swelling. If the ingrown hair is accessible, you may carefully tease it with sterile tweezers, but avoid digging into the skin. For persistent or infected ingrown hairs, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

Why Choose Aesthetica Medical for Your Treatment?

At Aesthetica Medical, we offer personalised care tailored to each individual's skin concerns and goals. Our team of experts, led by the highly acclaimed Dr Saniyya, employs the latest technologies and treatment methodologies to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction makes us the preferred choice for those seeking effective ingrown hair treatment solutions.

Professional Treatments at Aesthetica Medical

Consultation and Diagnosis

Every treatment journey at Aesthetica Medical begins with a thorough consultation and diagnosis. Our experts take the time to understand your skin concerns, medical history, and treatment goals. This personalised approach ensures we recommend the most effective treatment options for your needs.

Our Advanced Treatment Options

We offer a range of advanced treatment options for ingrown hairs, including laser hair removal. Utilising the state-of-the-art Splendor X by Lumenis, we target hair follicles to reduce hair growth and prevent hairs from growing back into the skin. This method is safe and effective and provides long-term relief from ingrown hairs.

How Many Treatments Will I Need to Resolve My Ingrown Hairs?

The number of treatments required to resolve ingrown hairs varies depending on the individual's hair type, the area being treated, and the chosen treatment method. Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions, usually between 4 and 6, spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. During your consultation, we will provide a tailored treatment plan outlining the expected sessions for your specific situation.

Is Laser Hair Removal a Permanent Solution for Ingrown Hairs?

Laser hair removal offers a long-term reduction in hair growth, significantly decreasing the likelihood of ingrown hairs. While it may not permanently eliminate all hair, it reduces the density and coarseness of hair in the treated area, which, in turn, minimises the risk of hairs becoming ingrown. For many individuals, this results in a permanent reduction of ingrown hairs.

How Much Does Ingrown Hair Treatment Cost at Aesthetica Medical?

The cost of ingrown hair treatment at Aesthetica Medical varies based on the treatment area, the number of sessions required, and the specific treatment method used. We provide a personalised quote during your initial consultation, ensuring transparency and allowing you to make an informed decision about your care. Our competitive pricing reflects our commitment to using the latest technology and techniques to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients.

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